Worship, Fellowship, and Service serve as our everyday rule inside the rhythms of the Church year.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church of Santa Fe was established in 1996 by a small group of newly chrismated Orthodox Christians led by Father John Bethancourt. They were embraced and nourished in the faith by the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, which in turn is a jurisdiction of the Antiochian Patriarchate, one of the first ancient Christian churches. (Acts 11:26)
Our temple was built over a decade ago in a unique “Southwestern Byzantine” style. Since then, iconographers have come to adorn its dome and ceilings. A talented local woodworker has erected a beautiful iconostasis carved by hand over a period of several years.
Our parish consists of all ages, life stages, and backgrounds. We strive to make it a place where the elderly are honored, families built and supported, and children brought up in the faith.